Financing - Prownes

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    Running and developing a business often requires making decisions to modernise an area or invest in a new venue. The investment process might require obtaining additional funding.
    Funds for a given investment may come from several sources and the trick is to match the various sources of funding to particular stages of project execution and adjust them in accordance with the repayment obligations capabilities.

    Clever solutions

    The financial services market offers a wide variety of tools, which allow for making an investment without engaging personal funds or despite the lack thereof.

    We provide professional consultancy and assist in optimising the financing of the investment project, which allows for a reduction in execution cost.

    What must be kept in mind is that choosing an adequate form of financing requires considering several significant factors, such as the ways of obtaining them, the form of securing the debt, its cost or the amount of the tax.

    Our assistance in this area involves the following services:

    • Getting to know the nature of the customer’s company activities and preparing the project execution strategy.
    • Presenting the best ways of raise capital and preparing the financial model of the project.
    • Preparing offer documentation for investors and analysing the offers of entities interested in co-financing your business.